Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Story Time Felts

I was asked by Karen to review her product over a month ago. I'm so glad she has been patient with me, I don't know that I would have been so understanding? Karen sent me the Pirate Beware Toggle to be reviewed. One reason it has taken me so long is because I wanted the preschool teachers to evaluate the product along with myself. My son Connor who is four has autism and attends class with 6 other special needs children. The class has one teacher and 5 assistants. Yes, they need alot of attention and guidance. They also need time to play with the book I provided for them to review. LOL Friday is Connor's share day but many events kept interrupting his turn to bring in the Felt Book for sharing time.

The book was a big hit with everyone including my other children Brady and Caterina! Mrs. Garner thought the book was a very clever idea. She said the children enjoyed touching the felt and playing the treasure game included within the toggle. This book is great for getting the children into quiet mode. However, with my smaller children it requires supervision or the felt pieces could end up all over the house!

Along with Toggles, Story Time Felt has Felt Board stories including academic, biblical stories, plain felt boards and more. Contact Karen for help with your specific needs! or browse her site at The Story Time Felts could be used at school, Sunday School, VBS, while traveling and at home. I decided to give the Pirate Toggle to Connor's class since each child is special and the Felt would be taken care of and not lost in the couch or toy box.

This product is recommended for all families.